We can all find life a little overwhelming. Stress can creep up on any of us, whether it’s related to family, friends, work, money… the list goes on. At UK’s The Stress Management Society, the image of a bridge is used as an analogy to stress:
“When a bridge is carrying too much weight, it will eventually collapse. It is possible to see the warning signs before this happens, the bridge would bow, buckle and creak.”
Building over time, until it becomes too much to bear
Let’s face it; men are not known for being particularly good when it comes to recognising the importance of their own health. We hate to make stereotypical statements, but it’s often true that many will ignore symptoms, put off doctors’ visits or simply assure those around them that they are “fine”. Admit it, you all know, or are, that guy.
But let’s get super serious for a moment. This overwhelming feeling of stress has the potential to lead to some serious consequences. In a survey released by the organisation Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) a whopping 41% of men contemplating suicide having never spoken out about their feelings. Shockingly and possibly surprisingly, suicide is now the biggest killer of men under the age of 45.
The thing about stress is that it is difficult to remove it from your life completely. We all have anxiety, and sometimes need it, and it can therefore be hard to stop it from spiralling out of control. Instead of removing it, therefore, one needs to learn how to manage it better.
As part of men’s health week, we have put together some of the ways that exercise could be the answer to relieving the stress in your life. Not only will this make you feel better on the inside, it will affect your mood and your outside appearance too!
It’s all chemical
People with stress disorders can often feel helpless. It’s no wonder really, because it all comes down to chemical reactions within your body, which are much harder to get a hang of. During exercise, no matter the type, all those stress hormones, like cortisol and adrenaline are reduced, which will combat the chemicals caused by high levels of stress. As well as this endorphins, the body’s natural painkiller, are produced when you move. Endorphins are known to not only block pain, but to also allow some of the pleasure chemicals to really stand out.
Let me hear your body talk…
Exercise kickstarts a whole host of different systems within your body, encouraging them to perform to their best ability and also communicate with other areas of your body too. This means that when the time comes to handle a stressful situation, your body will be versed in pulling together and getting the job done!
A welcome break
If you find that work or even home life is the cause of some of your stress, taking time for yourself to exercise can do wonders. After all, that exercise is a chance to have a break and a bit of well-needed “you time”. Escape from your stresses and head out to for an hour at the gym, an exercise class, or even just the local park for a run around. Chances are, after escaping for a little while you will be ready to face the world’s challenges again.
NEWS FLASH: You will feel better!
Like we had to break this one down for you. One of the biggest benefits of exercise is that it makes you feel overall a lot better. You will be healthier, fitter and stronger. All of these things can really help you to improve your mental strength, which in turn means that any stressful situations won’t seem quite as bad.
Stress is something that we all have to face once in a while. It is how you approach and cope with it that will have the biggest impact on your health and wellbeing.
There’s no time like the present to start talking about health, but with the official Men’s Health Week running mid June, this month should certainly serve as an extra boost of encouragement. This year, the organisation is focusing on belly fat. If you have issues surrounding your tum, head to their website for downloads, guides and ample support to help with your health.
Remember, if you are concerned about your mental health, then it is advisable that you head to the doctor to discuss these concerns, or simply start by making that step to talk to those closest to you.
If you’re new to exercise and are near one of our venues, you can click here to download our FREE 7 day sport & exercise pass giving you unlimited access to Gym, Swim and Exercise Classes for a whole week! Already downloaded one and ready to join? Click here to join us online and save £10!