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Meet our ‘man on a mission’

Meet our ‘man on a mission’ – celebrity makeup artist, actor and Cheshire Life beauty editor, Armand Beasley. 

Earlier this year, Armand set out on a journey with Personal Trainer, Tom McConnell, at Active Nation Runcorn, to get himself in the best physical and mental shape of his life in time for his 50th birthday. That gave him just 6 months to achieve his target.

Here, we chat to Armand to find out about the motivation behind the journey, the journey itself and, most importantly, whether he managed to be ‘fit at 50’!

Why now? What made you want to get in shape at this time in your life?

During the Covid-19 pandemic, like so many people, my life completely changed. I was forced to take a step back from work. This meant I naturally spent more time at home. For me, the experience was very positive. I enjoyed long days in the garden, reading, relaxing and probably eating a little more than I should. It was a real switch off from the hustle and bustle of my normal life. As a result, I put on a little unwanted weight and began to feel more sluggish.

When life returned to a semblance of normality and I slipped back into my old routines, just a little bit heavier and a little more body conscious. It was in March this year that I decided, by my 50thbirthday in September, I wanted to be in the best shape possible both on the inside and the outside. I wanted to be ‘fit at 50’ but, at this point, I had no idea how I was going to get there.

So, how did you start your ‘fit at 50’ journey?

Around the time I made the decision to get in shape, I met an old friend, Lesley Aitken. Lesley is Head of Marketing at Active Nation. I mentioned my goal to Lesley and she said Active Nation could help me get to where I wanted to be. So, that was it – the start of my journey. Lesley introduced me to Tom McConnell, a fantastic personal trainer at Active Nation Runcorn, and together we set about working towards my goal.

What has your relationship been with exercise and diet in the past?

My work means that I am always on the go. I rarely sit still for very long so I am naturally quite active. I enjoy eating fairly healthily with the odd desserts here and there and alcohol at the weekends.  I would say – I try to be active  but dedicated exercise sessions have not been a regular part of my life. Although I do yoga once a week as it’s important to have flexibility. I have worked out in many different gyms over the years but I’ve never really been able to stick at it for long. Working out in classes in something is great but I struggled with lifting weights in gyms as it can be quite intimidating. Fortunately, my time with Tom and Active Nation Runcorn has changed all this and I have been able to stick to an exercise routine and happy to work out in the gym and free weights area.

In your line of work, do you feel pressure to look amazing all the time?

Yes, I do, but for me, it’s not just about looking good. Sure, I would rather turn up at a red-carpet event with a chiselled jaw and a six-pack than a double chin and a wobbly tummy but for me, being ‘fit at 50’ runs deeper than a desire to look great. I also want to feel great and to know that my body is physically fit and able to support my daily routine both now and in the future. Health, for me, is as important as fitness. My motivation is to enable me to go about my daily business, living life to the full, pain free and fully functioning for as long as possible.

So, how did Active Nation Runcorn support your ‘fit at 50’ journey?

Firstly, through the provision of an environment where I feel completely comfortable. When I look around the gym, I see a huge cross-section of the community represented. There are old people, young people, seasoned athletes, those new to exercise,  people with mobility issues and a good mix of men and women. Nobody is judging anybody, everyone is just there doing their own thing. I feel completely at home in my old baggy t-shirt and joggers. There is absolutely no pressure to wear the latest training kit or look like a pro. This is very different to some of the other gyms I have used in the past.

Also, Tom, my personal trainer, has been amazing. Like me, Tom is also in his forties and we ‘clicked’ straight away.  Tom sets what I see as achievable goals. He works with me to design an exercise and diet plan that truly fits around my lifestyle, helping to ensure targets are do-able whilst also being challenging enough to shock my body into positive change. I meet with Tom once a week. During this session we talk about the previous week, how I have done against my diet and exercise targets, we run through a workout and  set new goals for the week ahead. Outside of this session I visit the gym and attend group exercise classes. When I can’t make it into the club, I work out at home supported by the Active Nation Anywhere app. The good news is, there is never a reason for me not to workout. I always have access to the support and tools I need to exercise safely and effectively in or out of the club.

So, don’t keep us in suspense …. Did you achieve your ‘fit at 50’ goals?!

I’m very pleased to say that I did. With the amazing support of Tom and the wider team at Active Nation it would have been difficult not to. After 6-months of carefully prescribed and regularly executed exercise plus a balanced, pescatarian diet, I can honestly say, at the time of my 50th birthday, I was in the best physical shape of my life and I felt great. Whilst my goal was not just to drop body weight, this was a healthy side effect of all the hard work, improving my body aesthetics and giving me a big shot of self-confidence. My body fat dropped from 28 per cent down to a healthy 17 per cent and I felt good!

The goal now is to maintain what I have achieved. It’s so easy to slip back into old ways but I am determined to stay on track and look after myself so that I remain mobile, strong, healthy and happy for as long as possible.

What advice would you give to other people contemplating starting a similar journey?

Do it! My best advice is to stop thinking about doing it and get it done. We are tomorrow the result of actions we take today. It’s important to ask for help and seek out the support needed to realise your goals.

Also, recognise that not all gyms are created equal – find the one that works for you, where you feel comfortable and able to thrive. Active Nation Runcorn has been the game changer for me. Yes, I have had to put in hard work and commitment but drawing on a supportive environment and team has really helped keep me on track and focused.

So, what’s next for you now?

To keep doing what I am doing. A six-pack was never my intention but it’s starting to develop as a by-product of my exercise and diet routine. I’m not going to complain!

Now that I am 50, it feels more important than ever to look after myself to give myself the best possible chance

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