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Recovery From Tuberculosis

In the UK, tuberculosis may not seem to be a huge problem health wise. However, around the world it is still a major killer. In fact, it is responsible for 3 deaths each and every minute and is the world’s leading infectious killer, causing more deaths than AIDS and Malaria.

TB is a curable bacterial infection that starts within your lungs. Without treatment, it can spread to the brain, spine, bladder and joints throughout your body. It can affect people throughout the world and of any age. However, in many circumstances the person can make a full recovery, if they receive the correct treatment promptly. 

Every year, on 24th March the world unites for World TB Day. A chance for people to join the fight to tackle this disease, preventing as many deaths as possible around the world.

In our own nod to World TB Day, we have put together this article. A quick summary of how exercise, despite being difficult at the time, can be an important factor in the treatment and recovery from TB.

As a bacterial infection, the aim of any treatment for TB is to eradicate the bacteria that has been found in your lungs. Exercise, alongside the correct medicine, can make sure that the bacteria has been fully removed and you can start to recover.

Recommended exercise during treatment for TB

For those patients that are fighting their symptoms of TB, the idea behind exercise is that you perform simple activities such as taking a brisk walk outdoors. Not only is walking a fantastic form of exercise, it also allows you to get outside and take in some fresh air.

It is recommended that you aim for 30 minutes every day for five days of the week, however, you should only ever exercise as much as you feel that you are physically able to, especially during your recovery time.

Recommended exercise during recovery from TB

TB can take some time to get over, affecting your everyday life, however, it is possible to recover from. When you start to feel that your symptoms are improving, you may feel comfortable to increase the intensity levels of the exercise that you are undertaking.

Stationary cycling, resistance training and light jogging are great ways to make sure that the TB infection that was once in your system has been completely eradicated. Once recovered, it is a good idea to keep up the exercise, as this is a factor in stopping the TB from returning at a later date.


Despite massive medical advancements, TB is still a huge problem around the world and is something that we have to be more aware about. So, for this World TB Day, why not think about the health of your lungs and give them a workout.

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